Ateos Foundation Of Science Education And Research's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U85300PN2020NPL191407 and its registration number is 191407, incorporated on 20 June 2020. AFSER is Non-Profit Organization (NPO) and supports the cause of the Skilled India Movement and strives and thrives to skill the Indian youth for nation building. AFSER has conducted several programmes by quality education and skilling the youth through its direct and indirect methods.
Direct interaction methods:
Current trends in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry wherein a plethora of research has been published from the eminent personalities in the field of Pharmacy. A special Thematic issue on the Virology and Human Health and another Thematic Issue on Formulation of Herbal Productshad also been published during the Covid-19 lockdown phase. Thus serving the Scientific communities.
Online and Offline Courses
These courses have been shared and online ON the Udemy Platform. These courses shall be beneficial for the students of Pharmacy, Science and Technology, Medical and Paramedical Sciences to upgrade their skill in the given area and for the future prospects of solving their problem of employment. The AFSER certificate holder will be always outstanding and will be worth and employable.
Direct Medical and Health Social Work Services
This is a unique programme of AFSER and being carried out with sister entity Carolene Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd. During the Covid-19 lockdown period AFSER has served the society by making Sanitizers and masks freely available and several other pharmaceutical services.
Indirect development initiatives:
Fellow Membership Awards
As mentioned earlier AFSER is not for profit organization and generates its own funds through these direct and indirect programs. Further it spends the same for the new or the existing programs. AFSER has the main motto of nation building and to serve the society and nation through its medical health social work and education programs.
AFSER believes that a skilled nation makes more chances of making economically and educationally sound citizens for national development leading to a prosperous nation.
We look forward for your cooperation to join our noble cause of skilled India moment and medical and health social work.